I saw a video online about these cute felt cat cards and really fell in love with them! I have made several, and the ones you see above I think are the best. I knew I bought that felt for a reason! You never know what you are going to need!
I had been recently looking at the greeting cards at Target, and saw how so many of them use different sorts of embellishments, like felt for instance. At the cost of these "designer" cards, I feel I have justified my die purchase in making just 4 or 5 of these cards.
And they would make great childrens' projects--after I cut the material with the dies that is. I do not recommend these dies for use by children, but they would certainly have fun with the cut shapes.
This is the "Cat / Dog" die from Paper Smooches. It can make a cat, a dog, a fox, an owl, a pig, and I am assured many other animals as well. The dog one I made turned out OK, but not as cute as the cats. Or maybe I am just partial to cats.
Here is a video to show how to use this die: http://www.jennifermcguireink.com/2017/05/cardmaking-with-felt.html
And even better, I want to use my Cricut Explore to cut some felt shapes for my cards. Here is a Lori Nunnemaker video that shows her process:
She is making hairbows in the video, but you get the idea. I have tried cutting felt in my Explore before, but not really successfully. I have ordered the exact things she uses: the green mat, the Heat and Bond Ultrahold, and I will give a report when my products arrive. Cricut has so many cute shapes that would be spectacular cut with felt!