Today we took a little road trip into the country to look at wildflowers. The bluebonnets are pretty much gone this time of April in South Texas but we saw beautiful Indian Paintbrush and millions (actually zillions) of little yellow flowers all over the median along IH10 from Kerrville to San Antonio. I wish I had a picture of all the luscious yellow and red. However, not wanting to get rear-ended stopping along the interstate, we stopped at a little rest stop and took this shot along the access road. Pinks, blues, yellows--gorgeous color. We actually headed out Texas 16 toward Bandera but saw little in the way of flowers. At Bandera we headed north on a road toward Kerrville. Super road--smooth (at least until Kerr county), and green pastures everywhere dotted with ponds and little glades of trees. Some wildflowers, but mostly just gorgeous green rolling hills. The landscape had an old-world look about it--set off from the highway and urban sprawl--the kind of place Heidi or Snow White would have lived! Definitely different from the streets packed with traffic where I usually drive. A magical day.
Sounds like you had a lovely day :)