Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some of you may know I have a little parakeet named Billie the Bird. I thought of Billie when making this tag. She always likes to peck at things in her "home", i.e., her bird cage. She likes to "arrange" things her way, and she squawks if you come too close too abruptly to her cage. She likes seeds and shiny hardware. She can ring her little bell forever, and we have a clip at the top of the cage (to hang things from) that she constantly moves back and forth. I wanted this tag to suggest Billie's home--the little hanging framed embellishment, the fibers and threads she likes to shred, the seeds she enjoys. I also wanted to draw a stark contrast between the soft, natural materials and the hardware of her metal cage. Whatever comprises her nest, it is home to her.

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